Wednesday, 24 October 2007

Red Pill Politics

When it comes to rabbit holes, everyone has basic choice. Either you go into the rabbit hole to find truth (blue pill), or you choose to stay in Wonderland with its well-manicured lawns and all-inclusive fetes (red pill). The choice of the red pill, then, means that reality is not wanted. Red pill users don't want to deal with everyday situations. For them, life is the constant fete; how they vote IS how they party. These are the masses, the crowds that politicians pander to and play for. Red pill users form the bulk of diehard, card-carrying, 'juhsey' wearing supporters. Whether it be balisier, the rising sun, or a bullseye for a cross-eyed man, whatever emblem you waving, once you waving it, red pill politics is for you.

When your choice of leader can work you up into a frenzy with a vague promise to control crime, you have taken the red pill. When your logic is suspended so that you believe that by increasing spending on prisons and nothing on social programs, criminal elements would be magically controlled, you have been red-pilled. A red beret appeals to the red pillers, so too do secret polls and walks around the community. A red pill solution is only temporary and based in the non-real, the imaginary, in Wonderland. Our roads are a mess, every party speaks of infrastructure, which is a concern. But any driver on our roads know that the main problem is driving mentality. The measures of wider lanes, rapid rail or ferry will not address this. Man does stop car on d highway like how tantie does stop in d market. Jes "BRAPS!", drop all she bag, and eh even realize ah whole family of 4 was behind her. In the market, it provides for a light Sunday morning moment to make you think of ole time days. On the highway...

We have many drug-related shootings, and now political shootings have begun. Last week in Enterprise, a young man who was a welder and a part time poster-boy for one particular party was shot to death. Two men in a car drove up to him and opened fire, when he fell, one man got out, stood over him, and emptied his gun into the young man's motionless body. Red pill politicians scrambled to release statements expressing remorse and concern for the family left to mourn. Yet to this date, has anyone visited the family, or offered any real help? What about members of the party that he was working for? The young man was his family's main breadwinner. As they all vie for power and first place, each trying to appear more compassionate, none of them ever gets close to helping the family in a meaningful way.

A favourite of the red piller is the question, "So who yuh votin' for?" Which is always rhetorical. There is only one right answer to this, and it can only be the acronym for the particular party that the red piller addressing you at the time supports. Now as a blue piller, you will know that there is no real difference between the parties. That everything focused on showing difference is all a sham. A red piller does not see this. Minor discrepancies become ideological gaps. Somehow, we end up with African and Indian parties in a land forged from the love of liberty, where every creed and race supposedly find an equal place. And how is it, with Trinidadian society in consideration, do the demands of any of these groups truly differ?

The good thing about red pill politics is that you always have choice.
YOU can choose to take a blue pill one morning, but it may make the choice of going back difficult.
YOU can choose to talk to your fellow Trinidadians and see commonalities rather than differences.
YOU can choose!

When it comes to elections, don’t allow the illusion of making a choice be the definition of what you do for your country. A once every 5 years choice is not voice, and voice is what democracy is about.

“Bluuuueee, We go paint d tong Blueeeeee
Turn d wholeworld upside down!” – 3 Canal


Lisagy said...

Another eye opener Mr. Andrews. Just letting you know your voice is being heard.....

Unknown said...

Preach the WORD!