Monday 19 October 2009

Jazz In the Calalloo

In the spirt of a recently concluded Sunday lunch, by today leftovers, this blog is a recipe for a quite unusual dish called 'Melting Pot'


1 existing twin-island Republic population;
1 combination mixture of crude oil and river water;
85 exploited Chinese labourers;
400 plus murders for one calender year and counting;
1 Overworked Police Service;
100 sun kissed beaches;
A bevy of politicians;
1 looming smelter plant;
1 lb of salt for every citizen regardless of age, gender or health condition;
1 lb of sugar (see above);
1 beer (stag);
1 pseudo beer (carib);
1 bottle of Puncheon Rum;
1 pinch of concern;
Liberal helpings of the media;
1 Year of typical tropical weather;
1 earful of hearsay;
1 over done tag line (The Greatest Show on Earth);
1 outdated mentality (Carnival mentality);


Begin with bevy of politicians and apply to the existing twin-island Republic population pre-soaked in Carnival mentality.
Bevy of politicians are chilled and pre-wrapped in The Greatest Show on Earth tag line.
Feed Puncheon to overworked Police Service.
Skewer the overworked Police Service, add salt and sugar without regard for age, gender or any existing health conditions.
Ignore the looming smelter.
Combine all 85 Chinese labourers with half of the media.
Combine the other half of the media with the 400 murders plus and combine with previously overworked Police Service.
Ignore the looming smelter.
Prepare the 100 sun kissed beaches with equal amounts of Stag and Carib.
When this is done, shell the 1 year of typical tropical weather and mix in slowly (WARNING: DO NOT IMMERSE IN WATER, PRONE TO FLOODING).
Press play on earful of heresay.
Add one pinch of concern and pepper to taste.
Set to a boil in oil and water combination.
Do not ever decrease temperature, best consumed piping hot.
Before blessing the food, ignore the looming smelter.


Anonymous said...

Very creative!
My question: What de 'jail' it is we making here?
We need new ingredients.

Kay9 said...

ps. i dont need to read the express when I have your I?